New Construction, Biodiversity & Science Building FU Berlin, 2017
The new office and laboratory building belongs to two different urban contexts, both of which have their own scale and program, but also interpenetrate and superimpose onto each other: the small-scale (residential) development of Dahlem and the campus of the FU with its mostly larger institute buildings. The urban planning and architectural conception responds to these two systems with a differentiated structure.
The new building presents itself to Königin-Luise-Straße as a public building with a clear address and a representative entrance. To the south, the volume takes on the scale of the neighboring villas and gradually tapers into the green garden area. The design creates new open spaces, which programmatically represent the use. They also create a high-quality work environment and integrate the circulation to Arnimallee in a natural way. The mutual correspondence between volume and open space creates a special place in the urban context with great potential for future users and their guests.
Architect: Jan Kleihues
Location: Königin-Luise-Str. 28-30, 14195 Berlin
Client: Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V., Rudower Chaussee 17, 12489 Berlin
Type of use: University, Science
Competition: 2017, 3. Preis